14.05.2024 · Long Read

Financeability in renewable energy: the right of superficies supplementary to a lease agreement

Joris van de Bunt and Bram Cuijpers wrote an article for the leading magazine Weekblad voor Privaatrecht Notariaat en Registratie (WPNR) regarding the use of a right of superficies (opstalrecht) in addition to a lease agreement. This combination is often used in view of the financing of renewable energy projects and Joris and Bram can be considered as the originators of this legal structure in renewable energy in the Netherlands.

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20.06.2023 · Short read

Het familiestatuut

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11.08.2022 · Short read

Bouwen op water

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27.05.2022 · Short read

De notarisbrief

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