03.07.2024 ·

Articles of association or shareholders' agreement? A practical exploration

Paul Quist wrote an article for the ‘Tijdschrift voor de Ondernemingsrechtpraktijk’ (TOP), which has just been published (TOP 2024, issue 4). The differences between articles of association and shareholders’ agreement, the influence of the shareholders’ agreement in corporate relations, incorporation by reference, and the possibility of making agreements contrary to the mandatory rules of Book 2 of the Civil Code, it is all dealt with clearly and from the point of view of the practicing lawyer. What arrangements can you make in articles of association, and what is better to stipulate in a shareholders’ agreement? And how do you achieve optimal alignment between the two documents?

The first page of the article can be found here (in Dutch).

For the entire article please be referred to the Opmaat website.


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