01.07.2024 · Alert

Celebrating the successful launch of Q.Lab!

On June 27, while celebrating Q.G.M’s fifth anniversary, we proudly launched Q.Lab.

Damiaan Denys, philosopher and professor at the University of Amsterdam, inspired us during the event with his reflections on societal change and adaptation.

Partner at Q.G.M and co-initiator of Q.Lab, Bianca Geuze-Draaijer reflects: “The event was a great example of an event we will organize more often within Q.Lab, where the diversity in background and enthusiastic contribution of attendees leads to lively and inspiring get-togethers.”

We look forward to our next event that fosters collaboration and growth!


20.06.2023 · Short read

Het familiestatuut

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11.08.2022 · Short read

Bouwen op water

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27.05.2022 · Short read

De notarisbrief

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Quist Geuze Meijeren
Concertgebouwplein 29
1071 LM Amsterdam
The Netherlands

+31 20 765 2400

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