'Pledge on shares' - a rich survey
For the Monthly Business Law Journal (Maandblad voor Ondernemingsrecht – 2024, issue 5) Paul Quist wrote a review of ‘Pledge on shares’ (Pandrecht op aandelen), Tom Hutten’s dissertation. The book offers a detailed description of the journey that begins with the establishment of a right of pledge on shares in a Dutch BV or NV, and ends with the settlement of the foreclosure. And like any journey, a single wish remains unfulfilled.
Tom Hutten has created a fine work with this study. It is broad and practical. To the taste of some, perhaps too surveying and descriptive and thus too little theory-building, but that is hardly any objection.
‘Pledge of shares’ can be used as a handbook. It is exceptionally readably written. Of course, there always remains something to be desired. For instance, a reflection at the beginning on what a share exactly is could have helped to deepen the understanding of a limited right to a share. Hutten could perhaps have made more effort in investigating and explaining the requirements of transfer, including conditional transfer, and thus the requirements for the establishment of a pledge on shares. Also, some reflections on multiple rights of pledge on shares and switching order (rangwisseling) would have been welcome.
A section on the ending of a right of pledge is missing. In a study like this, it would have seemed appropriate. After all, in the vast majority of cases, the pledge on shares ends by notice or waiver and not by execution.
But these are only minor comments. Downright benevolent is Hutten’s lawyer’s eye for the role of the Dutch civil law notary. All in all, pledge on shares is a fine study, a practical reference work, and a pleasure to read.